Cal Poly Pomona Farms Ice Cream

Packaging Design

This project centers around the packaging for Cal Poly Pomona Farms’ ice cream, with a primary focus on the artwork designed for the packaging. In developing this design, it was important to curate a product design that perfectly reflects the farm-to-table approach the ice cream was centered around, while also honoring Cal Poly Pomona’s historical roots. Furthermore, my design for this ice cream brand serves as an embodiment of Cal Poly Pomona’s motto, learn by doing. I had the unique privilege of being the first student ever to participate in a product design project for the university.

What is Cal Poly Pomona Farms ice cream?

Cal Poly Pomona Farms ice cream is the university’s first branded ice cream product. It was created by Cal Poly Pomona Enterprises in partnership with the Don B. Huntley College of Agriculture and Coney Island Creamery. The ice cream is produced with CPP grown ingredients, such as avocados, and satsuma mandarins, and is now being sold throughout the university’s campus.

Original Design

The reference initially posed some challenges, primarily due to the insufficient inclusion of CPP Farm related images and the difficulty in identifying the locations of significant landmarks. As the design progressed, it was noted to separate the CPP Farm and university landmarks to enhance visibility and clarity.

Final Design

The key takeaways from the initial sketch proofs in this project allowed for a integration of the beloved Arabian horses and other significant CPP symbols. These distinctive CPP marks are now clearly visualized, subtly enhanced by subtle touches of color.


Satsuma Mandarin

Fun Fact!

In the design, there are exactly seven horses in honoring of William Kellogg. He considered seven his lucky number, because he was the seventh son, of a seventh child, born on the seventh day of the week and the seventh day of the month. Even the name Kellogg has seven letters!

News Stories

Written Articles

  • San Gabriel Valley Tribune

    Cal Poly Pomona's avocado ice cream is a first sweet success for students

  • Cal Poly Pomona Foundation

    Cal Poly Pomona Farms Ice Cream Story

  • CPP Poly Centric University News Center

    Cool Customers Can Savor CPP’s New Ice Cream Flavors

About the Design


SK's Resale for Charity Logo Design